CPR Florida of Pompano Beach - get certified in 1 day
Quality CPR, AED, BLS ACLS, PALS and First Aid certification training in just one day with no stress.

Our goal for each student is to make you comfortable enough to act in an emergency situation. Whether you are a nurse, emt, doctor, lifeguard, teacher, coach, daycare worker, home health aid, construction worker, etc you can learn how to save a life in just one day in Pompano Beach in Broward County.
With our energetic and professional AHA instructors, you will feel confident in your ability to perform CPR and use an AED when needed. Our top rated and stress free classes make learning cpr, aed, bls, pals, acls and first aid classes a breeze.
Where can you learn cpr bls acls pals and first aid near me?
Get AHA certified in one day from our nurses, paramedics and healthcare professional instructors
If you’re looking for CPR certification, make sure you are taught by the best. Every CPR Florida instructor is certified through the American Heart Association and ASHI and is a healthcare professional. All instructors are licensed, accredited and insured. We offer a wide variety of safety and CPR first aid courses, all taught in a low-stress, hands-on environment using AED trainers, CPR training videos, first aid equipment and print materials. Our staff also issues 2 year American Heart Association (AHA) certification ecards the very same day.
We teach cpr, aed, first aid, bls, acls and pals AHA certification training classes. Each class can be tailored to your needs and you can come to our offices for scheduled classes or we can even travel to you. You want a fun, stress free class and to feel confident and we got you covered! We have been in business for over 19 years and have been voted as the top rated CPR Training site in Florida for the past 5 years. With over 170,000 students taught through our company, you know your crew, staff, medical personnel, coaches or teachers will feel confident at the end of class and will be able to apply the skills learned in real life situations. Let us travel to you or sign up for a class at our offices in Pompano Beach, Miami, Fort Lauderale, Coral Springs, West Palm Beach or Tallahassee.
Signup With Us
The seats are limited. Sign up online for a stress free cpr class today!
Sign up easily on our website for a class or email us and we can travel to
After you click the sign up button below and you are directed to our registration page, be sure to select the correct location to pick specific classes. If other dates or a private or large group class is needed, please email us at info@cprflorida.net
Register for CPR Classes

www.pompanocpr.com is part of the CPR Florida Network